This summer short course will draw on a variety of empirical methods with careful consideration of measurement issues to provide will provide attendees with a systematic and rigorous overview of the relationship between positive emotional well-being and physical health.
Course Objectives
Course Aims
Through their involvement with the course, participants will gain concrete skills in the different ways of measuring well-being and evaluating linkages between emotional well-being and physical health. In addition, they will gain knowledge related to the social and biological processes that are relevant to the linkages between social, psychological, and physical health. At the end of the course week, participants will receive certificates of completion signed by the course leaders.
The short course aims to achieve the following objectives:
To provide up-to-date, state-of-the-art knowledge on the linkages between emotional well-being and physical health outcomes
To teach skills to critically evaluate research in this field
To develop participants’ research skills and their ability to identify appropriate epidemiological and other research methods that can be used to study emotional well-being and physical health outcomes
To build a network of scholars who will lead the next generation of research in this area
The next course will be held from July 11-15, 2022, on UCL's campus in London. We plan to host the course every July. As a collaboration between the Center for Health and Happiness and the Department of Behavioural Science and Health at UCL, the course will rotate between the two institutions every year. This rotating model will allow the short course to have a more global reach and will assist in building an international community interested in and committed to building the science around linkages between emotional well-being and physical health outcomes. In addition, it will allow course organizers to maximally utilize academic and human resources from both institutions.